So no doubt you’ve heard about Miss California and how she answered a question about Gay Marriage in a beauty pageant. The question was asked by media-drama queen Perez Hilton:
It’s been interesting to watch how the various media outlets have cut and spliced the event.Â
There are multiple reasons why I think these made such big news; but I think there are two that stand out the most:
1) The event was pretty unusual-anything outside of the norm steals the show. Remember when the media picked up on Miss Teen South Carolina’s response?:
We stereotype beauty pageant constentants as not being, ehr shall we say, Albert Einsteins. Because Miss Teen South Carolina’s response was so way out there even for beauty pageant standards, it made huge news because the news media thrives on the unusual.Â
2) Usually during the beauty pageants, questions of such complexity or controversy are not asked-the more usual questions are those that have to do with neutral topics like “what is your opinion of world hunger” or the like.  Miss California’s response stood out also because it was not a “neutral” response but rather one loaded with conflict, which the media just loves.  Â
3)The massive right-wing media is having a field day with this. She’s now being paraded around as an example of how the “gay mafia” is trying to take over the world because it took poor little innocent Miss California’s crown away. Yes, I can almost see the commercials on the right-wing propaganda network Fox News starting with Miss California crying over what “was done to her” and then ridiculously asking “what’s next? putting you in jail for opposing gay marriage?” Amazing how they can manipulate the public’s perception huh?